keyword tool and so much more:KRP review

From website creation to content writing …your all in one tool

If you have started a website with a ton of ideas in your head that you can write about only to find a

it's great to have that lightbulb moment
Don’t wait for the idea to disappear to record it

few days later they have all evaporated, then you need a tool like keyword researcher pro…

With this tool you can map out your site …add notes …add keywords…create content…and export it to wordpress…

Lets go through the whole process to see how it can help you….

Website concept

You have been looking online for a new project and come across an area that is poorly served…

Looking for information on that topic you are finding it difficult to find websites that give you all the information you need in one place…

So an opportunity appears….

You head is now buzzing with ideas, you can create this fantastic site….

But you know from past experience that if you don’t write it down it all evaporates within days….

Well that is where the first part of Keyword Researcher Pro ( KRP) comes in…

You can control different projects from it…

Opening each one as a separate instance….

adding project notes to keyword researcher pro
you can record notes inside keyword researcher pro

And there is a menu item to add project notes…

So your idea is not lost…

Ok… so you have got the concept down in writing, now you need to carry on with the splitting down of the niche into categories…

You do a quick search in google, this gives you some ideas for categories for your website organization…

Website organization

So now you have the concept and are looking at the categories, these can be planned out in KRP as well…

Clicking on the middle + expands a panel where you can enter categories….

You can do a little keyword research before defining these finally…

But the initial categories can be ones you would be interested in seeing…

adding categories and articles into krp
adding categories and articles

You do need to remember that it is not about you…

Yes, you want the information in one place but you are ultimately doing this for others to use your website as a resource…

As you progress you will build up a niche vocabulary…

This can be used as tags…

Mainly for your visitors to click on, but it does show google that you know the main words within your niche…

Tags can be added within KRP within a tab to the right…

These tags can be assigned to keyword by dragging and dropping on the keyword

You can see the number of keywords assigned to any of the tags and also quickly filter on the tags by clicking on the blue link…

Always keep in mind how you are going to monetise your site…

Within the tree panel you can add article ideas under the categories…

So the whole site is starting to take shape….

But you need to know what others are searching for…

These queries that are typed into search engines or buying places are really useful to target to get visitors…

And hopefully high ranking posts…

Traditionally you would now log into a keyword research tool, carry out the keyword research, make a list, export the list of target keywords….

But with KRP you don’t need to do this…

You move onto the next stage of using the keyword tool…

Finding keywords

Going to the keyword panel you may be excused for being a little ‘ what is going on here’ to start with….

It can appear confusing, but very quickly you will get used to using it and this will be your goto keyword tool.

It is the one i use to quickly see what Google or other sources have in their databases…

And it is live data scraped from the source…

Not information within a separate database…

Getting the keywords means exactly that….only the keywords…

Now i can hear the voices saying’ but what about the search volume and the competition’

We’ll get to that in a bit….

The keyword panel has a list of sources down the left…

You can choose from Google, Amazon, Youtube, Google questions, Google related import a csv file or import a keyword list…

With the latter you can manually build up your keyword list from external sources…

Scraping the questions and related searches makes this a very useful tool….

Selecting Google questions and adding seed keywords into the question panel, then clicking the go button…

You will get the questions returned for that search, just like in google when you search for it…

google questions can come up with some useful keywords
Google questions can be used to find loads of useful keywords

A quick review of the questions to make sure they are on topic…

Copy and paste them into the questions panel and run it again….

Review, copy and paste a few more times and you will come up with loads of questions your niche are asking….

All very good long tail keywords for creating the first informational blog posts to get the site up and running….

You can do the same with the related searches panel….

And the main keyword google autocomplete search…

With this you can use the ideas panel where you add the singular, plural, region and year if applicable and the tool has some predefined searches setup to click on to paste into the search panel….

I tend to use some of those and have a list of 15 prefixes i use to find keywords…..

Rather then just leaving where you want words added blank you need to add a wildcard (*)…

So all of the keywords will include the terms you have typed in along with other words going through the alphabet or numbers to replace the wildcard…

Similar to you doing the search in Google….but a lot faster ….and adding the results to the temporary grid….

Duplicates are automatically filtered out….so the list of result at the top and the number added to the grid may be different, but you know that there are no duplicates in the grid…

If you want to do a really deep search of google then you can use the aa-zz…

Where the tool adds a, then aa, ab,ac etc all the way through to zz in place of the wildcard…

It looks interesting, but over the years i have noticed a degradation of the results returned under this method and only use it reluctantly….

It can turn up some extra results which the other searches have missed…

And if you want products…you can search Amazon in the same way….

Or checking out what video keywords are there…search through Youtube….

So you now have a massive list of keywords…

It can be overwhelming….especially when you see there are over 5000….

Now what…

You can filter them in the temporary grid or pass them all over to the project grid and sort them there…your choice….

Filtering keywords

With KRP there are many ways to filter your keywords…

You can use containing words, containing number of words, a mix of the two…

krp has a lot of filtering optinos
you can filter easily to find the really useful keywords

You can use logic operators like AND ,OR …

So a search for all the keywords containing the words what or why would be ‘what OR why’ in the top box….

Or if you are looking for long key phrases then >5 would return all the keywords with more than 5 words….

After you have found all the keywords some may be saying there are no metrics…

You can get the search volume data from your Google adwords account or….

Ubersuggest now doesn’t have the multiple adding of keywords to get the data so you would be adding them one by one…

Once you have this data you can then sort buy volume or filter on greater than or less than…

These are all very useful filters to have…

There is also a white, grey and black box to the left of the grid…

This is for creating a …yes( whitelist)…maybe(greylist) …no(blacklist) list from your massive list…

Using the filtering you can mark the interesting ones and useless ones with either the white or black boxes…

And then go down the list to sort the rest….

Once you have marked the ones from the filtering you can click on the grey box at the top and that will only show the grey list…

There is a small chain symbol between the white and grey .. this will show the white and grey list…

Why leave the unwanted keywords in the black list rather than deleting them….

Well when you go through the process of getting more keywords into the list then the ones already marked for the blacklist will not show…leaving only the added ones on the grey list for you to go through…

If you know there are ambiguities with your keyword or dual meanings then you can start to build up your negative word list with these…

I would be careful with this list as i have added some words to it and lost a lot of keywords that i couldn’t get back by removing it.. .you need to go through the keyword search again…..

And once they are sorted you can now assign them to the article titles you specified earlier….

Adding keywords to articles

This is the part where you start seeing keywords that mean the same thing asked differently…

Or ones that can be grouped together in clusters to be inserted in the same article….

Within the article titles you can go one step further and specify paragraph names…so you are outlining the article…

You can then drag and drop keywords into the articles or even into the paragraphs….

So you are now are at the point where you can start creating your content….

Normally you would jump onto your site and open the editor..

Maybe have that to one side and your list of keywords to the other…

Trying to use the keywords or bits of them in the article to help Google know that you are on topic…

Well KRP has a natty little editor built in….

Create content

In the right hand pane …there is a tab for writing content ….

Opening the middle panel by clicking on the little + and clicking on the title of the article you want to write…then clicking on the write content tab will open the editor for that article….

krp in writing mode
distraction free writing mode

You can now write or edit the title, meta title,date and time, meta description and article body….

You have the HTML to the side just in case you want to edit it….

You have the standard editor functions available to you…

There is a little icon next to the instruction manual box…pressing that takes KRP into editing mode …with the main emphasis on content creation with the articles and keywords to the side….

But you want to know about keyword usage…have you used them fully partially or not at all…

Check keyword usage

When you are writing your content, if you start to use the keywords, the colors of the boxes to the right of them will change…depending on whether you use some or all of the keyword.

It also tell you whether you have used them in the title, the meta description or the body of the content….

Clicking the settings gear wheel at the bottom of the middle panel will allow you to set it up so you can see how many times you have used them in full….

The other option before starting to write is to see the number of searches for each keyword…this shows by the title of the article the complete total searches for all the keywords in that article…

So now you have got this far how do you compare to the competiton….

Compare your competition

Going to your competitions web page and copying it and pasting it into the editing pane will allow you to see the spread of your selected keywords….

With this you can compare your article against the competitions…rewriting if necessary….

But having all these article in KRP is not getting google to index them or visitor eyeballs on them….so you need to get them onto your site….

Export to wordpress

A lot of tools get this far only to have you copy and paste your content over to your site….

If you have built the whole of your site within KRP then you can export the whole of your site…

And import it into a wordpress site…

And the categories and tags come with the content …

So the whole of the site structure is preserved…..

As you add more content to KRP you can export individual articles along with their categories and tags attached….

So other than telling google and bing there is more content and marketing it then your site has a load more content hat uses keyword clustering and you can see your site structure….

You will need to go onto add images and internal site links…

External links can be added at edit time…

You can export as a page or set it to be a draft, pending or private rather than publish directly….

And you can easily select one article or all of them….

So you can go from idea of a site right through to having built out the site with keywords, categories, tags and articles….all in one tool….

And you can have more than one instance of the program open so if you want to work on more than one project at a time no problem….

So after that run through what do i think of the program and who do i think it will benefit….

The good and bad

The good :

ad shot of krp
click the image to get your copy of KRP now
  • All in one tool
  • Control of different stages of website build
  • Different keyword tools
  • See the keyword use in real time
  • Able to structure complete site
  • Free updates for life
  • One time price
  • Import keyword list with volume
  • Clustering keywords in articles
  • Deep dive for keywords aa-zz
  • Number keywords 0-9
  • Filtering very good, able to use multiple filters


The bad:

  • No volume or competition information…but different way of looking at seo…
  • Not able to import xml file to carry on with existing site
  • Keyword tool not blisteringly fast but does work in the background
  • Takes time to get used to working in a new way
  • Keywords only on wildcards rather than associated words…but questions and related are good
  •  aa-zz search can turn up a lot of redundant keywords
  • Adding the wrong words to the negative word list can impact your list

Who’s it for

This is a fantastic all in one tool for marketers who want to improve their organic traffic…

If you want to rank higher using keywords that your niche are actually using then this is the tool for you..

Yes it’s not the fastest at getting the keywords, but that is because it is getting them directly from google every time.. .so you get the most up to date keywords…

The downside is that you don’t get volume…but the volume data from google planner is now pretty useless…

So if you find Google ads when you search for the keyword…that tells you there is commercial intent there….that means that keyword is worth something to others…

If you outsource work then it is a tool that can help with keyword clustering and checking the use of keywords after writing the article…

If you are a marketer who wants to keep control of their site….we all know how good wordpress is at planning….then this tool can create your whole site before you import it to your site…

If you are tired of paying month after month for a keyword tool that you use infrequently…then this is the tool for you…one payment and lifetime updates….what could be better…

Getting help

And the one thing we haven’t really talked about is ‘what about if i need help’

This is taken care of with a single click of the instruction manual or get help online…the help page at krp

At the last count there are 24 videos running through the whole process of using the tool and some help on writing articles…

And they are updated …

The owner of the software uses it to help him with his business .. so it is kept updated with all the changes google makes….

And if there really is a problem the help videos cannot solve then a quick email to the owner will evoke a quick response….

My final verdict

With this tool, even if you don’t use it as intended for the development of your site, then using it to scrape keywords for those ideas you have…

Looking for the questions people ask and related search queries….

And the fact you can link it up to the different Google platforms in different languages, meaning you can search in Spanish if you need to….

The fact that you can explore google’s autocomplete from aa-zz without having to manually go through it…

That you can get a list of the keywords you want to target…

And filter a massive list easily…

All for a one time payment and lifetime upgrades..

make the right choice - girl holding apple and cake
Make the right choice

Means it is a no brainer to have as part of your toolbox…

This is my goto tool when i have a quick idea…i do have serpstat, long tail pro and jaaxy…but i still come back to KRP….and that’s got to tell you something about it….

Oh and one other thing …it does have a free trial

This is limited to a-h for the keyword search but you can get used to everything else….

Even using the trial version i got 136 keywords back for the seed terms ‘how to make a * ‘and ‘build a * in my garden’…

There are several functions disabled…namely saving and xml exporting , but you can still export the keywords to a text  or csv file….and try out the article writing, the category and article planner….

And there is an example database available to see how the tool should be used…

And you have it there as a quick look keyword tool…..

But the choice is yours, you can carry on paying monthly for keyword tools that you only use

ad box for krp
Click the image to grab your copy of KRP now

occasionally and trying to tie together various tools to keep control of your article production or you can get the all in one tool from Clever Gizmos called Keyword Researcher Pro…

Thanks for reading…i hope you make the right choice…



About the author

Avatar for Phil

Phil has been working online since 2015 and working with computer for longer than he can remember..
He has successfully built a few sites that are ranking highly...
He is now experimenting with techniques to see how far google has gone with the ranking process, with an eye on the speed of the sites along with the web core vitals...
His philosophy is 'if you can control it then do'....
If you want Phil's help then please use the contact page to reach him...

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